Ismotec Hamburg - Industriemontagetechnik und SchiffsmontagetechnikIsmotec Hamburg - Industriemontagetechnik und SchiffsmontagetechnikIsmotec Hamburg - Industriemontagetechnik und SchiffsmontagetechnikIsmotec Hamburg - Industriemontagetechnik und Schiffsmontagetechnik

Ismotec Hamburg - Industriemontagetechnik und Schiffsmontagetechnik
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ISMOTEC - Industrie & Schiffsmontagetechnik GmbH


ISMOTEC is a Company which is based in Germany. Since the foundation in the year 1997 the company is concentrated on installations of electrical systems on board of seagoing vessels. The satisfaction of our national and international customer confirmed the powerful competence as well as the existing business-ideology of the company.


Ismotec, electrical ship systems, mega yachts, passenger vessels


ISMOTEC made a name for oneself due to electrical installations on all kinds of vessels in accordance with repair work, conversions or new buildings. A major part is the installation of the cable system for new build yachts and Mega yachts respectively.


For the effective job processing we have our own project management with corresponding site management, foreman as well as own qualified electricians and cable tray fitter. A well approved material and ordering system guarantees a trouble free processing of the order even with a short construction period.


Our own construction and design department creates all necessary installation documents for our installation team by using the newest CAD software.


We offer a complete solution in accordance with the electrical infrastructure and the final installation on board together with competent partner for switchboards or command and detection systems.